Here’s Why iPhones Don’t Have Call Recording

The feature, iPhone users have been wanting forever

The Evil Geek
5 min readApr 25, 2023
An Image by the Author
An Image by the Author

Just like bowel movements, the urgency to record a phone call can arrive anytime. But sadly, for iPhone users, the situation can feel worse than constipation as Apple doesn’t permit this.

Although iPhone users have been fine without a call-recorder so far, doesn’t mean that it’s a non-essential feature. Its necessity can be unpredictable and arise out of nowhere.

It can be that business call where verbal agreements are crucial and need to be backed up. It can also be that phone interview where the details are too confusing to remember, and you need to revisit them later. It can be anything.

Hence, call recording can prove crucial even though its requirement is rare.

So, why hasn’t Apple acknowledged this concern until now? What is stopping Apple from adding the call-recording functionality to the iPhones?

Legal Variations Across the Globe

Call recording is deemed illegal in many countries. The right to privacy remains a major concern in several parts of the globe, and recording phone calls and be against that.



The Evil Geek

Alter ego of an extremely handsome man. Hiding in the shadows, I write about tech. Muahahaha!