5 Rookie Mistakes First-Time iPhone Users Make

We all have been there once

The Evil Geek
7 min readApr 25, 2022
Photo by Josh Rose on Unsplash

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Getting an iPhone can be the best feeling in the world. It can be a better feeling than knowing about your crush desperately wanting to marry you.

Unwrapping the plastic off the box, seeing the half-eaten fruit’s logo on the back of the phone with naked eyes, gently lifting the phone and touching its surface with bare fingertips — it’s an eternal once-in-a-lifetime feeling.

The newborn iPhones appreciate the love and affection shown by their new parents… uh, I meant their new owners, but without having a glimpse of the dark awaiting future. Little do they know that the pampering they are receiving from their first-time owners will soon be replaced by five huge rookie mistakes, if not a million.

This article will help the future generations of the iPhones in having a beautiful life until they are sidelined by a newer phone. Here’s a list of 5 rookie mistakes to avoid when buying the iPhone for the first time.

1. 3rd-party accessories

Getting several iPhone accessories along with the monthly grocery will cost you the same as getting a single accessory made by…



The Evil Geek

Alter ego of an extremely handsome man. Hiding in the shadows, I write about tech. Muahahaha!